You can purchase "by the animal" from Mitchell's Butchery. We have several options to choose from.
You can buy a quarter, half, or whole cow or a half or whole pig.
The perk to buying "by the animal" is that it allows you to have a wide variety of meat cuts to stock up your freezer for an extended period of time. To purchase an animal, please give us a call at 336-591-1052 or email [email protected] to get your name on our schedule. You can call ahead of time, so even if you aren't currently ready, let us know and we can get your name on the schedule. Spots fill up QUICKLY!
The price below includes raising, butchering, processing, and packaging. With halves and wholes you get to custom order what you would like for cuts and thicknesses of meat. Quarters of beef will be processed to a semi-standard cut. We are available to help you fill out your own cut sheet to get what you want.
Cows: $6.40/lb - you choose how you want it processed/cut.
You can purchase a whole cow, half a cow, or a quarter of a cow.
We suggest you budget $700-900 per quarter. (Price depends on hot carcass hanging weight of the animal.)
Hogs: $5.00/lb - you choose how you want it processed/cut.
You can select to purchase a whole hog or half a hog.
We suggest you budget $400-600 per half. (Price depends on hot carcass hanging weight of the animal.)
You can buy a quarter, half, or whole cow or a half or whole pig.
The perk to buying "by the animal" is that it allows you to have a wide variety of meat cuts to stock up your freezer for an extended period of time. To purchase an animal, please give us a call at 336-591-1052 or email [email protected] to get your name on our schedule. You can call ahead of time, so even if you aren't currently ready, let us know and we can get your name on the schedule. Spots fill up QUICKLY!
The price below includes raising, butchering, processing, and packaging. With halves and wholes you get to custom order what you would like for cuts and thicknesses of meat. Quarters of beef will be processed to a semi-standard cut. We are available to help you fill out your own cut sheet to get what you want.
Cows: $6.40/lb - you choose how you want it processed/cut.
You can purchase a whole cow, half a cow, or a quarter of a cow.
We suggest you budget $700-900 per quarter. (Price depends on hot carcass hanging weight of the animal.)
Hogs: $5.00/lb - you choose how you want it processed/cut.
You can select to purchase a whole hog or half a hog.
We suggest you budget $400-600 per half. (Price depends on hot carcass hanging weight of the animal.)